Terms & Conditions



ARTICLE 1: Reservation and payment

The reservation will only be considered final after payment of a deposit of 50% of the total amount. In the absence of any deposit paid, no reservation is recorded.

The balance is to be paid 15 days before the scheduled departure date.

In the event of a reservation made less than 15 days before departure, the full amount is due upon reservation.

The deposit defined by the vehicle owner must be paid when picking up the motorhome, either in cash or by bank pre-authorization.

An insurance subscription is offered to the customer so as not to have to pay the rental deposit.

Departure cannot, under any circumstances, take place if there has not been full payment of the rental and the deposit or the taking out of said insurance.

ARTICLE 2: Cancellation by the tenant

The reservation is deemed firm and final, and cannot therefore be canceled.

In the event of cancellation notified more than 30 days before departure by the tenant, the deposit remains due.

In the event of cancellation notified less than 30 days before departure by the tenant, the entire rental amount is payable.

ARTICLE 3: Cancellation by the owner

The owner may cancel the reservation until the last day in the event of force majeure (partial or total destruction of the vehicle, theft or any other fact justifying the impossibility of renting it).

The amounts paid by the tenant will be immediately returned.

No compensation may be demanded by the tenant; the owner also having no obligation to provide a replacement vehicle.

ARTICLE 4: Destination

The tenant undertakes to only visit countries authorized by the insurance, only in continental Europe.

ARTICLE 5: The driver

Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, only the renter is authorized to drive the vehicle. He will ensure that he conducts it as a good father and only for lawful private purposes.

The driver must be over 23 years old and hold a B driving license valid throughout the rental period.

The driver drives at his own risk and under his responsibility, he is solely responsible for fines and reports issued as well as any customs and legal proceedings, even after the return and restitution of the deposit during the rental period.

Any fine required following events occurring during the rental period remains the responsibility of the tenant.


ARTICLE 6: Deposit

The deposit which is the excess of the omnium, namely an amount of minimum €500, must be paid before departure in cash or by bank pre-authorization and will be returned to the tenant after the complete inventory, upon return of the vehicle, according to the terms set by each partner of the platform.

The amount paid as a deposit only covers one incident during the rental.

This excess to be paid by the tenant must be multiplied by the number of losses for which the tenant is liable.

Any damage depreciating the product offered for rental, but not requiring repair will be compensated by payment of a lump sum of €125 per damage


ARTICLE 7: Use of the motorhome or vacation rental

The tenant cannot sublet, transfer the rental, pledge it or use it as public transportation.

The mobile home, or any vacation rental, will not be used for illegal purposes.

The tenant undertakes not to overload a rented vehicle, to only transport the number of people authorized by the manufacturer, i.e. a maximum of 7 passengers, depending on the model rented, while respecting the maximum useful load rule of 3500 kg in total and the number of bicycles provided on the bicycle rack, when the latter is present on the rented vehicle.

The tenant undertakes not to make any modifications and to use the closing and steering locking systems at each stop.

Frying is strictly prohibited inside the vehicle. Any non-compliance with this rule will result in the payment of a lump sum of €250, due to damage to the structure of the vehicle.

Smoking is also prohibited inside the vehicle. Any non-compliance with this rule will result in the payment of a lump sum of €500, due to damage to the structure of the vehicle.

The tenant undertakes in all cases, and regardless of the type of rental carried out, to comply with the regulations and legislation of the rented product, specific to each partner of the platform.



The provision of fuel is the responsibility of the tenant.

The mobile home is delivered with a full tank of fuel to the tenant and this must be returned with a full tank upon return.

Any non-compliance with this rule will result in the payment of a lump sum of €200, in order to ensure the fuel supply of the vehicle left incomplete.

The vehicle is powered by DIESEL or other fuel sources depending on the type of vehicle rented.


ARTICLE 9: Clean water / waste water / gas / cassette

The fridge, boiler, heating, as well as the stove are powered by 1 gas bottle or any other energy supply (LPG, etc.) depending on the vehicle rented, this power supply being in use. Any other bottle or refilling of the tank will be the responsibility of the tenant.

The first fill of water is included, the following ones are the responsibility of the tenant and must be carried out using perfectly clean water, from a drinking water distribution circuit.

The tenant must ensure that the waste water and the cassette are emptied in time, and in any case, before the complete return of the vehicle. Any non-compliance with this rule will result in the payment of a lump sum of €250, due to the necessary maintenance that will result.


ARTICLE 10: Mileage

During the rental period, unless otherwise stipulated in the partner's offer, the mileage is unlimited.


ARTICLE 11: Theft / accident

Excluded from insurance are the theft and destruction of luggage or any personal objects of the occupants.

The tenant must immediately notify the police in the event of an accident, theft, fire, damage or others and have a report drawn up attesting to the conditions in which the incident occurred.

The tenant must return the keys to the mobile home in the event of theft.

Concerning the assistance of the mobile home, the tenant agrees to comply precisely with the instructions which will be communicated to him by the owner of the vehicle rented. Assistance is provided by the services of the insurer designated on the green card.

In any case, the tenant is required to inform the owner of the motorhome IMMEDIATELY as well as the BooKamper technical service, at +32471/211.646 or +33769957139


ARTICLE 12: Insurance

The mobile home and any other rental offered on the Bookamper.com platform is insured under liability, omnium, assistance with an insurance company registered in Europe by the lessor

The tenant has accepted the general and special conditions.

Under no circumstances is any driver not covered by insurance not holding a valid license or driving drunk or under the influence.


ARTICLE 13: End of rental

The duration of the contract is imperative.

The tenant has the option of returning the mobile home or rental property in advance, but no reimbursement will be made in part or in full.

The tenant is required to return the mobile home or rental property at the latest on the date and time agreed in the contract, under penalty of being asked for damages of up to €500/day of delay deducted directly from the deposit or from their customer account. .

The return of the mobile home or rental property must be carried out exclusively during normal opening hours or according to the schedule agreed with the owner, if different terms are defined by the lessor.

In all cases (breakdown, accident, etc.), restitution must be made on the day and time stipulated in the contract between the tenant and the lessor.


ARTICLE 14: Inventory

The tenant acknowledges that the motorhome or rental is made available to the tenant in perfect working order, in good condition of cleanliness and mechanical maintenance.

An inventory of possible damage is drawn up before the tenant takes over, so that he is fully aware of it, and so that the damage is not attributed to him.

It must be returned in an identical condition to that of departure, the cassette and the waste water must be emptied, in the case of renting a leisure vehicle.

Any non-compliance with this rule will result in the payment of a lump sum of €250, due to the necessary maintenance that will result.

The tenant will also ensure that the vehicle or property is returned in an acceptable state of cleanliness, both interior and exterior, as it was entrusted to him at the time of rental.

If the vehicle is not returned in this clean state, the owner reserves the right to deduct the cost of maintaining the vehicle or rental from the deposit.

The amounts applied are as follows:

interior cleaning: 120€

exterior cleaning: 80€

emptying cassette and waste water: 250€

However, the customer remains free to request that the cleaning package (excluding emptying) during their reservation, if the option is offered, and this option is available, be added to their rental contract. This amounts to a fixed amount of €180.

When renting the mobile home or rental property, an inventory is carried out in the presence of both parties.

The equipment and accessories supplied are the subject of an inventory, which is also contradictory.

The inventory and inventory are recorded on a sheet annexed to this contract.

The tenant is responsible for any possible disappearance, damage or breakage.

When the mobile home or rental property is returned, a new inventory and inventory will be carried out.

Any missing or damaged item will be invoiced at market cost.

In the event of an unjustified absence of the tenant, the inventory and inventory will be carried out by the lessor alone and deemed contradictory and enforceable.


ARTICLE 15: Maintenance

Normal maintenance and normal mechanical wear and tear are the responsibility of the lessor.

When renting a leisure vehicle, the tenant is required to check the water and oil level of the mobile home every 1000 km and add them if necessary.

He will also ensure a normal supply of fuel (DIESEL or other), as well as ADBLUE (if Euro6 diesel vehicle) and LPG necessary for the proper functioning of the vehicle.


ARTICLE 16: Breakdown

Mechanical repairs to vehicles cannot be carried out without the written or telephone agreement of the Lessor and must be carried out according to its directives by any garage of the lessee's choice.

Defective parts replaced and invoices paid if applicable by the tenant must be presented for reimbursement.

All mechanical repairs resulting either from abnormal wear or from negligence on the part of the tenant will be the tenant's responsibility.

Invoices will be refunded to the extent that personal liability cannot be sought.

Whatever the rental, the tenant must, in the event of a problem, use all available means to stop the damage and limit its consequences or its propagation to other organs or parts of the vehicle. If necessary, it will be up to him to prove that he has taken all precautions in this regard.

Under no circumstances will the tenant be able to claim damages for immobilization in the case of repairs carried out during the rental.

When the vehicle is immobilized following an accident or for any other reasons for which the tenant is responsible or following negligence, the tenant will pay for the duration of the immobilization the total rent of the mobile home at the rate corresponding to the rental period. , regardless of any other compensation.


ARTICLE 17: Rental of a campsite

The reservation will only be considered final after payment of a deposit of 50% of the total amount. Any failure to pay the deposit results in the cancellation of the reservation 7 days after its introduction on the site.

The balance is to be paid 15 days before the scheduled departure date.

In the event of a reservation made less than 15 days before departure, the full amount is due upon reservation.

The deposit defined by the campsite owner can be requested and will be specified when booking by the customer on the platform. It must be paid when taking up the pitch, either in cash or by bank pre-authorization.

An insurance subscription is offered to the customer so as not to have to pay the rental deposit.

Arrival cannot, under any circumstances, take place if there has not been full payment of the rental and the deposit or the taking out of said insurance.

The tenant undertakes throughout the duration of his rental of a campsite to comply with the internal regulations communicated by the owner of said location.

The tenant undertakes to return the campsite at the times and conditions defined by the owner, in a condition equivalent to when it was rented. An inventory may be required and carried out by the parties in order to ensure compliance with these general conditions.


ARTICLE 18: Rental of a vacation rental

The reservation will only be considered final after payment of a deposit of 50% of the total amount. Any failure to pay the deposit results in the cancellation of the reservation 7 days after its introduction on the site.

The balance is to be paid 15 days before the scheduled departure date.

In the event of a reservation made less than 15 days before departure, the full amount is due upon reservation.

The deposit defined by the rental owner may be requested and will be specified when booking by the customer on the platform. It must be paid upon taking out the rental, either in cash or by bank pre-authorization.

An optional insurance subscription is offered to the customer so as not to have to pay the rental deposit.

Arrival cannot, under any circumstances, take place if there has not been full payment of the rental and the deposit or the taking out of said insurance.

The tenant undertakes throughout the duration of his rental of a vacation rental to comply with the internal regulations communicated by the owner of said property.

The tenant undertakes to return the property at the times and conditions defined by the owner, in a condition equivalent to when it was rented. An inventory may be required and carried out by the parties in order to ensure compliance with these general conditions.


ARTICLE 19: Rental of a space or a WELLNESS service

The reservation will only be considered final after payment of a deposit of 50% of the total amount. Any failure to pay the deposit results in the cancellation of the reservation 7 days after its introduction on the site.

The balance is to be paid 15 days before the scheduled departure date.

In the event of a reservation made less than 15 days before departure, the full amount is due upon reservation.

The deposit defined by the owner of the wellness can be requested and will be specified when booking by the customer on the platform. It must be paid upon taking out the rental, either in cash or by bank pre-authorization.

An optional insurance subscription is offered to the customer so as not to have to pay the rental deposit.

Arrival cannot, under any circumstances, take place if there has not been full payment of the rental and the deposit or the taking out of said insurance.

The tenant undertakes throughout the duration of his rental of a wellness space to comply with the internal regulations communicated by the owner of said space.

The tenant undertakes to return the rental at the times and conditions defined by the owner, in a condition equivalent to when it was rented. An inventory may be required and carried out by the parties in order to ensure compliance with these general conditions.


ARTICLE 20: “BooKamper Standard and Premium” Motorhome Seller Status

Any owner of a leisure vehicle, whether privately or professionally, can offer their vehicle on the BooKamper platform, subject to registration on the platform and request to obtain Seller status, according to the procedure available on request and viewable on the BooKamper website and social networks.

This status implies acceptance of the general conditions of rental and use established in this document and validated when registering on the site.

When registering as a Seller, the vehicle owner accepts the allocation of the Standard formula.

This profile offers the following advantages and obligations:


The "Standard" formula is mainly aimed at private owners of leisure vehicles who wish to rent their vehicles without worrying about managing the rental schedule and administrative procedures. 

This formula offers partners who own vehicles or campsites access to the platform, the reservation calendar, and the registration parameters of their vehicle(s).

The holder of this formula can request reimbursement of his credits on the rental of a vehicle, and receives this amount within 7 days from the start of the rental by the lessee.

The Seller can also request support in order to obtain the Premium plan. 


The "Premium" formula is aimed more at professional owners of leisure vehicles and offers, in addition to the same options as the standard formula, for a fixed amount of €100 excluding VAT per year, the following options: 


1° Risk insurance "complementary to that of the owner (compulsory for any offer to rent a vehicle) and to that subscribed by the renter of the vehicle when booking. This insurance covers possible damage, but also the total loss of the vehicle, the delay in return, as well as non-compliance with the general rental conditions published on our site and provided as an attachment. 


2° Cancellation insurance which allows you to receive, despite a cancellation, a total of 20% of the rental amount in addition to the amount guaranteed by BooKamper.com, up to 10 days before the tenant's departure (cancellation no longer possible within this period - 100% cancellation within 30 days before departure and 50% within 15 days before departure). 


3° 5% discount on the maintenance of your vehicle with our partner, TB Cars & Bikes or partners in your geographical area. 


4° A preferential OMNIUM insurance rate for your vehicle(s) from our insurance partner. 


5° 5% discount on all your campsite or recreational vehicle rentals among our partners, all year round and for the duration of your registration as a Premium seller on our site. 

6° A preferential rate on our welcome kits (necessary for a successful stay in a motorhome) at only €3.09 including VAT per kit instead of €5.99 including VAT in the "Standard" package.

Finally, it also offers excellent advertising, since the vehicles will be highlighted for 3 months when subscribing to the "Premium" formula on our website as "recommended by BooKamper" but also on our social network spaces (Facebook , Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube). 


The holder of this formula can request reimbursement of his credits on the rental of a vehicle, and receives this amount within 1 working day from the start of the rental by the lessee, for this, it is very important to complete the useful banking information in the “Wallet”.


Likewise, for quality reservations, we invite the Seller to check their seller profile, in the "Verifications" section, adding their company number if this is the case, a copy of their identity card and his telephone number. This procedure will allow you to be even more visible and suggested on the site, as a certified profile. 


Automatically, any registration as a “Seller” on our platform automatically gives access to the Standard plan. 


To benefit from the Premium plan, simply confirm it by return email upon receipt of the Support registration email, it will be active within 24 hours.



ARTICLE 21: “BooKamper Standard and Premium” Camping Seller Status


Any owner of a campsite or authorized campsite, whether he exercises this ownership privately or professionally, can offer his location on the BooKamper platform, subject to registration on the platform and request to obtain Seller status, according to the procedure available on request and viewable on the BooKamper website and social networks.

This status implies acceptance of the general conditions of rental and use established in this document and validated when registering on the site.

When registering as a Seller, the campsite owner accepts the allocation of the Standard formula.

This profile offers the following advantages and obligations:


The "Standard" formula is mainly aimed at private owners and professionals in individual camping businesses who wish to rent out their campsites without worrying about managing the rental calendar and administrative procedures. 

This formula offers partners who own recreational vehicles or camping pitches access to the platform, the reservation calendar, and the registration parameters of their pitch(es).

The holder of this formula can request reimbursement of his credits on the rental of a campsite, and receives this amount within 7 days from the date the lessee takes over the rental.

The Seller can also request support in order to obtain the Premium plan. 


The "Premium" formula is aimed more at professional campsite owners (companies) and offers, in addition to the same options as the standard formula, for a fixed annual amount of €100 excluding VAT per year, the following options: 


1° Insurance "risks" complementary to that of the owner and that taken out by the tenant of the campsite when booking. This insurance covers possible damage, but also late return, as well as non-compliance with the general rental conditions published on our site and provided as an attachment. 


2° Cancellation insurance which allows you to receive, despite a cancellation, a total of 20% of the rental amount in addition to the amount guaranteed by BooKamper.com, up to 10 days before the tenant's departure (cancellation no longer possible within this period - 100% cancellation within 30 days before departure and 50% within 15 days before departure). 


3° 5% discount on the maintenance of your professional vehicles with our partner, TB Cars & Bikes or the partner in your region. 


4° A preferential rate for professional insurance for your campsite from our insurance partner. 


5° 5% discount on all your campsite and motorhome rentals among our partners, all year round and for the duration of your registration as a Premium seller on our site. 

6° A preferential rate on our welcome kits (necessary for a successful stay with BooKamper) at only €3.09 including VAT per kit instead of €5.99 including VAT in the "Standard" package.

Finally, it also offers excellent advertising, since your campsite will be highlighted for 3 months when subscribing to the "Premium" formula on our website as "recommended by BooKamper" but also on our social network spaces (Facebook , Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube). 


The holder of this formula can request reimbursement of his credits on the rental of a campsite, and receives this amount within 1 working day from the date the lessee takes over the rental, for Therefore, it is very important to complete the useful banking information in the “Wallet”.

Likewise, for quality reservations, we invite the Seller to check their seller profile, in the "Verifications" section, adding their company number if this is the case, a copy of their identity card and his telephone number. This procedure will allow you to be even more visible and suggested on the site, as a certified profile. 


Automatically, any registration as a “Seller” on our platform automatically gives access to the Standard plan. 


To benefit from the Premium plan, simply confirm it by return email upon receipt of the Support registration email, it will be active within 24 hours.



ARTICLE 22: “BooKamper Standard and Premium” Holiday Rental Seller Status


Any owner of a vacation rental, whether he exercises this possession privately or professionally, can offer the latter on the BooKamper platform, subject to registration on the platform and the request to obtain Seller status, according to the procedure available on request and viewable on the BooKamper website and social networks.

This status implies acceptance of the general conditions of rental and use established in this document and validated when registering on the site.

When registering as a Seller, the vacation rental owner accepts the allocation of the Standard formula.

This profile offers the following advantages and obligations:

The "Standard" formula is mainly aimed at private and professional owners who wish to rent out their vacation rentals without worrying about managing the rental calendar and administrative procedures. 

This formula offers partners who own stay solutions access to the platform, the reservation calendar, and the recording parameters of their location(s).

The holder of this formula can request reimbursement of his credits on the rental of accommodation, and receives this amount within 7 days from the start of the rental by the lessee.

The Seller can also request support in order to obtain the Premium plan. 


The "Premium" formula is aimed more at professional owners (companies) and offers, in addition to the same options as the standard formula, for a fixed annual amount of €100 excluding VAT per year, the following options: 


1° Risk insurance "complementary to that of the owner and that subscribed by the tenant of the holiday accommodation when booking. This insurance covers possible damage, but also late return, as well as non-compliance with the general rental conditions published on our site and provided as an attachment. 


2° Cancellation insurance which allows you to receive, despite a cancellation, a total of 20% of the rental amount in addition to the amount guaranteed by BooKamper.com, up to 10 days before the tenant's departure (cancellation no longer possible within this period - 100% cancellation within 30 days before departure and 50% within 15 days before departure). 


3° 5% discount on the maintenance of your professional vehicles with our partner, TB Cars & Bikes or the partner in your region. 


4° A preferential rate for professional insurance for your establishment from our insurance partner. 


5° 5% discount on all your campsite and motorhome rentals, vacation rentals and wellness rentals among our partners, all year round and for the entire duration of your registration as a Premium seller on our website. 

6° A preferential rate on our welcome kits (necessary for a successful stay with BooKamper) at only €3.09 including VAT per kit instead of €5.99 including VAT in the "Standard" package.

Finally, it also offers excellent advertising, since your rental will be highlighted for 3 months when subscribing to the "Premium" formula on our website as "recommended by BooKamper" but also on our social network spaces (Facebook , Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube). 


The holder of this formula can request the reimbursement of his credits on the rental and receives this amount within 1 working day from the date the rental is taken over by the lessee. For this, it is very important to complete the useful banking information in the “Wallet”.


Likewise, for quality reservations, we invite the Seller to check their seller profile, in the "Verifications" section, adding their company number if this is the case, a copy of their identity card and his telephone number. This procedure will allow you to be even more visible and suggested on the site, as a certified profile. 


Automatically, any registration as a “Seller” on our platform automatically gives access to the Standard plan. 


To benefit from the Premium plan, simply confirm it by return email upon receipt of the Support registration email, it will be active within 24 hours.


ARTICLE 23: Wellness Seller Status “BooKamper Standard and Premium”

Any owner of an establishment or wellness space, whether he exercises this ownership in a private or professional capacity, can offer it on the BooKamper platform, subject to registration on the platform and the request to obtain Seller status, according to the procedure available on request and viewable on the BooKamper website and social networks.

This status implies acceptance of the general conditions of rental and use established in this document and validated when registering on the site.

When registering as a Seller, the owner of an establishment or wellness space accepts the allocation of the Standard formula.

This profile offers the following advantages and obligations:


The "Standard" formula is mainly aimed at private owners and professionals in individual wellness businesses who wish to rent out their spaces without worrying about managing the rental calendar and administrative procedures. 

This formula offers partners who own leisure vehicles or camping pitches, holiday rentals and wellness, access to the platform, the reservation calendar, and the registration parameters of their pitch(es). rental properties.

The holder of this formula can request reimbursement of his credits on the rental of a wellness space and receives this amount within 7 days from the date the lessee takes over the rental.

The Seller can also request support in order to obtain the Premium plan. 


The "Premium" formula is aimed more at professional owners (companies) and offers, in addition to the same options as the standard formula, for a fixed annual amount of €100 excluding VAT per year, the following options: 


1° Risk insurance "complementary to that of the owner and that subscribed by the tenant when booking. This insurance covers possible damage, but also late return, as well as non-compliance with the general rental conditions published on our site and provided as an attachment. 


2° Cancellation insurance which allows you to receive, despite a cancellation, a total of 20% of the rental amount in addition to the amount guaranteed by BooKamper.com, up to 10 days before the tenant's departure (cancellation no longer possible within this period - 100% cancellation within 30 days before departure and 50% within 15 days before departure). 


3° 5% discount on the maintenance of your professional vehicles with our partner, TB Cars & Bikes or the partner in your region. 


4° A preferential rate for professional insurance for your establishment from our insurance partner. 


5° 5% discount on all your campsite and motorhome rentals, vacation rentals and wellness rentals, among our partners, all year round and for the entire duration of your registration as a Premium seller on our site. 

6° A preferential rate on our welcome kits (necessary for a successful stay with BooKamper) at only €3.09 including VAT per kit instead of €5.99 including VAT in the "Standard" package.

Finally, it also offers excellent advertising, since your establishment will be highlighted for 3 months when subscribing to the "Premium" formula on our website as "recommended by BooKamper" but also on our social network spaces (Facebook , Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube). 


The holder of this formula can request reimbursement of his credits on the rental of a wellness space, and receives this amount within 1 working day from the start of the rental by the lessee, for this , it is very important to complete the useful banking information in the “Wallet”.


Likewise, for quality reservations, we invite the Seller to check their seller profile, in the "Verifications" section, adding their company number if this is the case, a copy of their identity card and his telephone number. This procedure will allow you to be even more visible and suggested on the site, as a certified profile. 


Automatically, any registration as a “Seller” on our platform automatically gives access to the Standard plan. 


To benefit from the Premium plan, simply confirm it by return email upon receipt of the Support registration email, it will be active within 24 hours.



ARTICLE 24: Payment terms

All buyers are fully aware that the Bookamper.com platform exclusively accepts the following payment methods, which can be used in agencies but also on the website www.bookamper.com :

Bank transfer

Bank domiciliation (payment spread)

Bank check

Blue card




ANCV checks (coming soon)



In the event of a refund, the payment method chosen by the customer during the purchase will be the one used by our services to ensure the return of funds, in accordance with the general conditions of sale.



ARTICLE 25: Loyalty and promotional program


    1. Concept

Bookamper.com SAS, hereinafter called “Bookamper”, has the corporate purpose of offering vacation rentals, through travel partners, to visitors to its reservation platform. With this objective, it connects business providers with quality service providers with the aim of exchanging prospecting for commissions.

To do this, Bookamper.com acts through a freely accessible platform on the bookamper.com website.

Via this platform, the business provider can inform service providers of their choice so that they join the reservation platform and offer their services to visitors.

The service provider can accept the prospecting proposal, validate it or refuse it.

If the prospecting ends with a registration and/or a sale, Bookamper.com pays the commission agreed in the commission plan, as provided for in these general conditions, to the business introducer.




    2. Definitions

has. Platform

This is the website refferals.bookamper.com through which the following are managed:


    • business providers and their sponsorship structures (MLM)


    • providers and their services


    • all prospecting, from their creation to the realization of a potential sale

b. Users

These are natural or legal persons using the Bookamper platform in any capacity whatsoever. The user is by no means always a consumer.

vs. Business providers

Any natural or legal person registered on the platform and who intends to prospect for new partners and customers.

d. MLM Networker

Natural or legal person who, registered on the platform, creates their network by inviting other people to use the platform. The Networker receives a commission on the turnover that his team achieves, as provided for in these general conditions.

e. Provider

Any natural or legal person, registered and validated on the Bookamper platform, able to provide services related to the corporate purpose of Bookamper.com.

f. Prospects

This is all the data collected from a natural or legal person who has expressed interest in the platform, with a view to starting a business relationship.




    3. Scope

These general conditions are applicable to any user of the platform, unless otherwise agreed, and in particular partnership agreements as negotiated between Bookamper.com and its service providers.

Under no circumstances is the use of the “Bookamper” platform governed by consumer protection law. Indeed, users are in no way consumers.

These general conditions of use of the “Bookamper” platform cannot under any circumstances be interpreted as an employment contract, as users are not workers within the meaning of the law; in fact, the user does not provide work under the authority of Bookamper.

The possible nullity of an article, paragraph or part of these cannot in any way affect the other articles, paragraphs or part of these, the rest of these general conditions remaining entirely of application.




    4. Rights and duties of the business provider


has. The business provider informs the service provider of his choice via the Bookamper platform and obtains validation.


b. The business provider follows the progress of his prospecting until the conclusion and completion of the deal between the service provider and the end customer.


vs. The business provider certifies that all the prospect's information that he brings to Bookamper.com's attention, via the platform, is strictly accurate.


e. Likewise, the business provider confirms that he has received approval from the prospect for the communication of said information and data to the platform.


f. The business provider undertakes not to inform any false prospect, either because he has not received authorization, it is not a real project, or it constitutes a simple canvassing.


5. Rights and obligations of the MLM networker


has. In order to attract its network, the MLM networker has the right to promote, but only with the means provided by Bookamper on the platform, unless there is a specific agreement negotiated between the latter and the platform.


b. The rights and obligations of the business provider also apply to the MLM networker when the latter is himself the business provider.


vs. In the event of unsubscription of the MLM networker, whether voluntarily or not, it is up to Bookamper exclusively to restructure its network.






6. Membership: To participate in the Unilevel travel loyalty and promotion program Bookamper.com, you must be an active distributor (business introducer or MLM networker) and in good standing with the company. To do this, you will need to subscribe to one of the following plans:


Free Plan: FREE - Ideal for discovering the benefits of the loyalty program


has. 5% on personal sales volume


b. 5% off bookings


vs. Self-training tool


Silver plan: €200 (annual): ideal for travelers


    a. 10% on personal sales volume


    b. 10% off bookings


    c. Access to the dashboard


    d. Self-training tool


Premium Plan: €399 (annual): The Ambassadors program


    a. 15% on personal sales volume


    b. Access to the “coupons” area + 20% reduction on reservations


    c. 24/7 Affiliate Support


    d. Bookamper Marketplace Pin


Roadster Plan: €599 (annual): The ULTIMATE plan for Bookamper adventurers


    a. 25% on personal sales volume


    b. Access to CRM


    c. Advanced Analytics


    d. Bookamper Roadster Pin




7. Commissioning: Commissions are calculated according to the Unilevel compensation plan below:


has. Level 0: personal sales: identical to that of the CMS, i.e. (in points):

€20 per contract (campsite, vehicle rental, advertising advertiser), or 200 PTS

and 5% on product purchases: example: vacation rental for €1,000 therefore 10,000 points. 0.05 = 500 points

b. Level 1: commission plan: (no sponsorship limits): 10% of the CMS (in points) and 5% on referral product purchases

€2 per contract, or 20 PTS

€X per purchase = Xpts. 0.05 example: vacation rental of the godchild for 1000€ therefore 10000 points. 0.05 = 500 points

vs. Level 2: commission plan: 5% of the CMS (in points) and 2% on referral product purchases

1€ per contract, i.e. 10 points

€X per purchase = Xpts. 0.02 example: vacation rental of the godson for €1000 therefore 10000 points. 0.02 = 200 points

d. Level 3: commission plan: 2% of the CMS (in points) and 0.5% on referral product purchases

€0.40 per contract, i.e. 4 points

€X per purchase = Xpts. 0.005 example: vacation rental of the godchild for 1000€ therefore 10000 points. 0.005 = 50 points


and are paid on sales made by you and your team, for a 3-month clawback, the commission always being subject to the complete completion of the sale and the agreed conditions.


The commission is paid to the user's Bookamper.com account in points. Each point obtained is equivalent to 10 euro cents.


Its commission can be used for the purchase of products and services on Bookamper.com.


Reimbursement of the commission to a current account previously declared by the user is subject to a minimum of €250 and is subject to 5% processing and administration fees.


Bookamper is obliged to pay the said amount into the account as specified during the request, it can never be held responsible if the said account is no longer effective, has changed ownership , or is incorrect.


If the business introducer or MLM networker is himself a professional, at his request, a commission note will be sent to him.


Commissions distributed, whether in cash or gifts, constitute income giving rise to tax liability if applicable. Bookamper will draw up a tax form which will be sent in due time and at due cost.


Bookamper cannot be held responsible for the tax classification given by the user, or for their total absence of declaration.


8. Promotion:

The use of ethical marketing practices is required when promoting Bookamper.com travel products. All advertising communication must comply with the laws and regulations in force both in France and around the world, in compliance with the obligations of each State from which the MLM seller comes.


9. Confidentiality:

As a distributor, you agree to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive company and customer information.


10. Rights and duties of Bookamper


has. Upon the arrival of a new business provider, a new service provider, or a new partner, Bookamper informs all business providers, specifying the products and services concerned by them.


b. Bookaamper reserves the right to recommend service providers based on their sectors of activity.


vs. Bookamper reserves the right to conduct or have surveys conducted with users, service providers and business providers in order to ensure the proper execution of Bookamper.com contracts, terms and regulations.


d. Bookamper reserves the right to suspend or exclude any service provider, business provider or user who contravenes the previous paragraph, as well as the general conditions.


11. Responsibilities:

Exclusive liability:


Under no circumstances can Bookamper be held responsible for false information or false prospects communicated between users of the platform.

Bookamper cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the poor performance of a contract, or for any other dispute arising or to arise between the service provider and the end customer.

Bookamper does everything possible to protect its platform from any piracy; but it is an obligation of means and not an obligation of result. Each user is responsible for their own account: Bookamper cannot be held responsible for its piracy unless of course it is proven that the entire 

platform has been hacked and that Bookamper has not not done 

everything possible to avoid this.


Bookamper.com is not responsible for the individual actions of distributors. Each distributor is responsible for its own behavior and marketing activities.


11. Termination:

In the event of non-compliance with the general conditions of sale and use, Bookamper reserves the right to terminate the contract with the distributor.



12. Disputes:

Any dispute related to the general conditions of sale and use will be governed by the laws in force in the jurisdiction of Bookamper.com's head office. By accepting these general conditions of sale and use, you acknowledge having read and accepted the terms and conditions set out above.



Article 26: Intellectual property

Data, information, logos, promotional tools, videos, designs, brands, models, slogans, graphic charter, software, etc., accessible through the Bookamper platform and website, catalog or database of Bookamper are protected by intellectual property law.

Unless expressly agreed otherwise in advance, neither the business provider, nor the MLM networker nor, moreover, the service provider are authorized to modify, reproduce, rent, borrow, sell, distribute or create derivative works based in whole or in party on the elements present on said platform and on the website or other Bookamper support.



Article 27: Internet and new technologies

Bookamper makes its best efforts to ensure that the platform is accessible every day, 24 hours a day and in the best conditions of comfort of use.

All users of the Platform are aware of the restrictions and risks associated with the use of the internet or any other means by which the Platform is currently or will in the future be made available.

The user is also aware of the risk of storing and transmitting information digitally or electronically.

Both the business provider and the MLM networker or even the service provider accept that Bookamper cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of the platform (as well as any applications) or the internet, following the risks aforementioned.

The business introducer, the MLM networker and the service provider also accept that the electronic communications exchanged and the backups made by Bookamper can serve as proof.



Article 28: Applicable laws and competent jurisdictions



The only applicable legislation for the use of the Bookamper platform is French law.

In the event of a dispute, the parties will endeavor to reach an amicable agreement. To the extent that no conciliation is successful, any dispute will be brought before the Commercial Courts of the jurisdiction of the head office of Bookamper.com, i.e. Lille Métropole.